Posts Tagged ‘Lake Mary’

Master David Turnbull, tournament director for Martial Artists Fighting Hunger, will be holding a Grand Opening for his new school in Sanford, Florida on March 13, 2010. Master Turnbull’s students include over 100 state and national AAU Tae Kwon Do champions. He and his wife, Master Wendi Turnbull, incorporate character development into their classes and consistently reinforce the five tenets of Tae Kwon Do: Courtesy, Integrity, perseverance, Self Control and Indomitable Spirit.

The school is a traditional dojo with fully matted floors, flags, water cooler and caring instructors. There will be refreshments and give-a-ways as well as demonstrations of all of the arts taught at the school. In addition to TaeKwonDo, the curriculum includes Martial Arts Football [comBATON,] Yoga , Ju Jit Su, Tai Chi, Weapons and Cardio Kick Boxing.

For additional information see his Facebook page or call the school at  321-356-9299. The school is located at 1662 W. Airport Blvd in Sanford, Florida. The Grand Opening starts at 12 pm and will last about three hours. Master Turnbull will continue to teach at his other location in Lake Mary as well.

PS There is a video of Master Turnbull training Ashley Eckstein on her Facebook Fan Page. Check it out.